Developed by Ken Mask, MD.

5 year old Joshua asked me why 7 year old Kenya couldn't play tic tac toe with us. I explained that it was for two people; he asked 'why can't it be for three?' Now play with a third person! X, O and Y.

Click Here To Get The Board Game Today!

The first to achieve three in a row wins!

Play Tic Tac Toe with three! Three players are assigned X, O and Y. Each in turn places their symbol in an empty square on the grid. The first to achieve three in a row wins! One versus the computer, two versus the computer, or three people against each other. This revolutionary version of the classic game will be a favorite for many years to come.

Version: update 2.4
Size: 11.2 MB

#tictactoe #Deeplearning, #AI  #English, #Spanish, French, Dutch, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Swedish, Hebrew, Czech, Hindi, German, et al;

Seller: Tic Tac Mo, Inc. via Apple, Google Play, global launch available for phones, auto dealers, medical centers, schools, restaurants game-play consoles. TM and © 2022. Ken Mask.

Compatible: iPhones, 5, 5c,  6, 7, 8, X, 11,  iPod touch,  iPads, all Android devices & tablets. Requires iOS 4.0 through iOS 13.0 now $3.99  (All Rights Reserved)